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Ingredients & Methodology

In the broadest of terms the formulas found on this website are synergistic blends that combine the lifeforce of the plants used.

The goal has always been to select plants, if possible from the wild, that are healthy and at the peak of their cycle.

Because the properties of an herb will vary depending on time of harvest, where the plant is grown or found growing, and ultimately how the plant is dried and or processed a satisfactory discussion of the methods used is not possible within the scope of this website. These methods include optimal harvesting, processing and working with the plants natural cycles while adhering to ethical wild-crafting methods, which involve not over harvesting in an area and scouting out areas that are free of chemical sprays from road management, agricultural use and development. Overall, the product line was developed using herbs that thrive in abundance, noxious weeds to many, such as dandelion, burdock and comfrey. Machinery has never been used for harvesting, processing or cultivation. If an herb can be collected in the wild, in its native habitat without impacting that habitat, those are selected first as time has proven that these are the strongest. Culpepper who said "If any herbe infest the earth, let man heed its virtues for his ills."

This wisdom inspired the formulation of this product line over 30 years ago.

Updated 2015.


Lakon Herbals perennial garden, June 2002

The Importance of Olive Oil and Why We Use It

Ancients and contemporaries have favored olive oil for its extraordinary health benefits. Clinical research supports this, olive oil is high in the natural anti-oxidant benzoic acid, not found in other oils such as almond. Another important component of olive oil is chlorophyll, an important agent in that it facilitates absortion allowing the skin to breath and process the nourishment provided by the herbs. Research by Rudolph Steiner sheds additional light on this marvalous oil. He found that olive oil, which is fixed and non-drying was a perfect balance, energetically, for the volatile nature of essential oils, and when blended strike a natural balance most easily absorbed by the skin.

For additional information on the chemical and nutritional properties of oils please visit the following sites.

The following link is to an informative, scientifically based essay on Fats, Oils, Fatty Acids, Triglycerides - Chemical Structure by Antonio Zamora.  Zamora sheds light on the subtle descrepencies between chemical analysis of lipids (fats and oils) and purported fact regarding which oils and fats are healthy and which are not. A must read for anyone concerned with heart disease or cholesterol. http://www.scientificpsychic.com/fitness/fattyacids.html


Glen Pavelich - Saskatchewan, Canada

In the following article Dr. Pavelich discusses the chemically unstable nature of polyunsaturated oils. One of the main reason we use olive oil is because it is far more stable, less likely to turn rancid, due to the naturally anti-oxidant properties. http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/paveg/links/fatcraze.htm

 The following excerpt from Dr. R. Peat is a sample of the wisdom that can be found in the following essay on the toxicity of unsaturated oils. 

Traditional diets established over thousands of years, when compared with the changes introduced by industrialization, provide information that could never be obtained in medical experiments. These newsletters explore social and biochemical aspects of nutrition with respect to endocrinology.’.


 Lakon Herbals ingredients are all GMO free. We use only cold pressed, pure or virgin olive oil.


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